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This month, we shine a spotlight on the Ultralift E Magnetic Lifter, exploring the features, benefits, industries and applications that this product serves.
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World Food Safety Day takes place on 7th June 2024, raising awareness about the risks, responsibilities and best practices associated with food safety.
This month, we caught up with Catalogue Account Manager, Kerri Ellis-Greaves, to find out more about her life both inside and outside of work.
This month, we shine a spotlight on the Pneumag Magnetic Separator, exploring the features, benefits, industries and applications that this product serves.
This month, we caught up with Technical Manager, Dr Ewan Goodier, to find out more about his life both inside and outside of work.
Our magnetic filtration systems and magnetic lifters get a great reception at the UK's premier manufacturing event.
This month, we shine a spotlight on the Automag Skid filtration system, exploring the features, benefits, industries and applications that this product serves.
This month, we caught up with Commercial Assistant, Georgia Woodhead, to find out more about her life both inside and outside of work.
This month, we caught up with Production Supervisor, Jordan Elmore, to find out more about his life both inside and outside of work.