Auto-Shuttle Magnetic Separator
Automated cleaning magnetic separator for 24/7 processing
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We offer the relevant accreditations and 3rd party approvals to meet the demanding quality and safety standards required by our customers. We are one of the few manufacturers who can provide magnetic separators certified to ATEX standards.
Eclipse Magnetics can manufacture and certify ATEX approved magnetic separators in-house, thereby reducing costs and lead times incurred by having to submit to a 3rd party test house. The ATEX programme is geared to minimising risk in hazardous and explosive environments.
The ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU covers equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The directive defines the essential health and safety requirements and conformity assessment procedures, to be applied before products are placed on the EU market. It is aligned with the new legislative framework policy, and it is applicable from 20 April 2016, replacing the previous Directive 94/9/EC.
Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX) cover a range of products, including those used on offshore platforms, petrochemical, grain processing, mining and flour mills and bakeries amongst others.
ATEX certification includes detailed examination, testing and assessment of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive environments. The end result is the issue of an ATEX certificate which confirms the product is safe to use within potentially explosive locations. The certification must be undertaken by an approved organisation such as Eclipse Magnetics.
Eclipse Magnetics supply fully certified equipment for use in zones 20,21,22 or gas zones 0,1 and 2 environments. ATEX product certification (or EC Type Examination) is a check on the design specification of a product in relation to a series of relevant standards laid out under the directive.